VilniusPHP 0x90

Observability 2.0

Systems we build are getting more complex, and more distributed. Because of the distributed nature of systems good old logs and metrics are not cutting it any more and we need new tooling to help us have good observability. (Presented in English)
Irmantas Ramoška (Ovoko)

Interactive discussion (Quiz)

Get ready to unleash your inner PHP champion! We’ll be hosting an interactive Quiz, a chance to test your knowledge and battle fellow developers for ultimate bragging rights. (English)
Organizers and sponsors


2024-06-06 19:00
HQ Ovoko
Žirmūnų g.70-701


Po pranešimų
HQ Ovoko
Žirmūnų g.70-701
1.2% Parama
Norėdami paremti Vilnius PHP bendruomenę paskirdami 1.2% nuo sumokėto GPM, skaitykite čia.
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